
Nine Game Changers for Global Missions

A couple of months ago, Leadership Network released the first “Concept Paper” from the Global Connections Leadership Community, called Nine Game-Changers for Global Missions.” The paper outlines some prominent changes in the face of global missions. In previous times, global missions effectiveness was measured by the number of missionary pictures and the yarn that connected them to a foreign land. Programming was fairly simple—it was the outcome of sending people and resources and a decent plan to the foreign field. No more! The world has changed and that change should drive (or at least inform) how we do global missions. The nine game-changers are:

Investing in Leaders
Combining good news and good deeds
Financial Accountability
Business as Mission

For the entire article, click http://leadnet.org/resources/download/nine_game-changers_for_global_missions_trends_that_shape_the_future/

3 Responses

  1. Eric,
    These 9 game changers are right on the money, brother. In Russia, we believe we’re dealing with many of the same issues: I’ve been calling them the Big 5 Vowels- A-E-I-O-U. A-Alcoholism & Drug Rehab; E-Evangelism restrictions; I-Islam and its rapid increase in numbers; O-Orthodoxy & its nationalistic hold; U-Urban (how cities are growing and rural areas are dying).
    Good word, brother.
    In Him,
    Buck Burch

  2. Anna Marie

    Could you expound more on whom you were referring to by vibrant believers and thriving churches in the Middle East? When I shared your article with my pastor he could not think of anyone. Thanks. I am trying to create a missions strategy for my church. I loved your section on focus. That really described us well and we are trying to implement focus.

  3. Pingback : The Future of Global Missions: 9 Trends

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